My Sister, My Spouse: The Song of Songs in the Convents

Canticum Canticorum nei Conventi


The Canticum canticorum one of the most beautifully sensual texts to be found in the Bible, was also one of the most often set to music in the 17th century, both outside and inside the convent walls, in music written both for and by Italian cloistered nuns. These women, eternally married to Christ (with or without their consent) identified strongly with the florid imagery of the bride and the beloved. This program presents music composed by well-known musicians and dedicated to the convents (G.P. Cima, A. Banchieri, S. Reina, B. Re, A. Soderino, F. Martini and others), and by the nuns themselves (Raphaella Aleotti, Alba Tressina, Lucrezia Orsina Vizzana, Chiara Margarita Cozzolani, Maria Xaveria Perucona, Caterina Assandra, Isabella Leonarda). It will also feature secular madrigals, composed by such celebrated composers as Monteverdi and Nanino, as sacred contrafacta intended specifically for convent usage. Though often conceived for intimate small-scale forces, this repertoire also includes larger works featuring those “prohibited” musical instruments: violins.

“The variety of styles and techniques presented, coupled with solid performances, makes this an invaluable recording. […] For eight treble voices, [Francesco Martini’s Tota pulchra es] has a stile antico flavor and receives a lovely performance from the Cappella Artemisia singers, who get stronger with each recording.” (Early Music America)
“Toccata CD-Tipp: Wie immer ist die Cappella Artemisia ausschließlich mit Künstlerinnen besetzt und vertreten. […] Und wie immer kann sich das Ergebnis der Interpretation durch diese Ausführenden wirklich sehen lassen. […] Dazu sind die enzelnen Werke auf dieser CD penibel ausgewählt und stilsicher dargeboten. Und mit dieser Einspielung setzt die Cappella Artemisia und ihrer Leiterin wieder einen Maßstab, knüpft nahtlos an die anderen gelungenen Produktionen an und bringt interessierten Hörerinnen und Höhern erneut unbekannte Musik nahe.” (Toccata, Alte Musik Aktuell)
“Artistico **** Tecnico **** La Cappella Artemisia coglie dolcezza e palpiti […]. (Amadeus)

My Sister, My Spouse: The Song of Songs in the Convents

(2005 by Tactus)

Canticum Canticorum nei Conventi   The Canticum canticorum one of the most beautifully sensual texts to be found in the Bible, was also one of the most often set to music in the 17th century, both outside and inside the convent walls, in music written both for and by Italian cloistered nuns. These women, eternally [...]

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